TrooperTalk 2.7.0 ios官方版
大小:100.4 MB
平台:iOS 10.0 或更高版本
TrooperTalk is a voice emulator designed for members of the 501st and Rebel Legions to use while trooping events. It is designed as an alternative to expensive voice changer boxes such as the iComm, Rom/FX, etc, but also to be flexible enough to allow emulation of many of your favorite characters. Simply plug in a mic/speaker splitter to your device, attach your mic and amp and you are ready to sound like your favorite Star Wars character!
· TrooperTalk offers fine tune control over many aspects of the voice emulation such as distortion, static bursts, voice activated characters, background loop sounds, and more! These features and those to come make TrooperTalk the most versatile and effective solution for Star Wars cosplay voice emulation!
NOTE TO USERS: external accessories are required to properly use TrooperTalk. For information, hardware recommendations and other support visit
· Become a stormtrooper by visiting