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BacCounter 1.2 ios官方版

BacCounter 1.2 ios官方版


大小:73.2 MB


平台:iOS 16.0 或更高版本



Watch your BAC!

Keep track of your Blood Alcohol Content while indulging in the devil's piss!

This app will help you track your BAC during a night out and keep a log of what kind of drinks you had, because we all know you won't remember. So wether you're trying to cut back on your consumption, or trying to see what your high score is, you'll certainly want this app with you while you drink!

The app implements a well known formula called the Widmark Formula which is used for ESTIMATING a person blood alcohol content. This formula takes into account a person's Weight, Gender, and amount of alcohol consumed in a given period. Although not a perfect method for calculating a person's true BAC, it has been shown to be relatively close, usually under estimating the true BAC.

This app connects to Apple Health to read your weight and gender, as well as too record alcoholic beverages drank.

This app is not to be used for aiding in a decision to operate a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. Just because it says you may be below the legal drinking limit does not mean you should drive home. Please drink and use this app responsibly.


- Quick and easy drink recording. Record a drink with the tap of a button.
- Save your completed drinking sessions for later reference.
- Integrated into apple health data
- Enter custom drink information.
- Customizable UI theme
- Circle changes to red to alert user of being over the legal limit of 0.08.
- No Ads ever.


- Reads from the health app to gather key information used in the BAC calculation formula, like weight and sex.
- Records alcohol beverages consumed to the apple health app
- Records blood alcohol content to the apple health app.
- Records water to the apple health app.
- Reads water consumption to make key insights regarding alcohol to water ratio etc.

Features in the works
- More detailed drink entry, for those who wan't more details on their drinks will be able to add name, ingredients, notes etc.
- Improved BAC calculation / enhanced entry methods
- Apple Watch companion app.
- Widget
- Share your BAC with friends.
- Ability to Enter drinks "up until this point"

